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Dirt Squirrel is a athleisure apparel brand and online retailer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

The company was founded in 2013 by Wade Hopwo & Daniel Lypchuk during university. What started as a final project transformed into a legitimate company with a growing product line and global audience. The growth came from first producing comfortable and functional underwear, an ever-expanding social presence, festival tours and TV appearances. Above all, a commitment to the Dirt Squirrel vision:

"Sometimes you need to get dirty to know how good you really are".

We exist to help encourage people embrace getting dirty in three major forms:

Working Hard: getting your hands dirty to make your fantasies a reality.

Playing Hard: participating in activities you love that serve the body and mind.

Playing Harder: to put it simply: sex.

We believe that these three pillars of “getting dirty” are a part of everyone’s lives, imperative for personal development, self-discovery and living a fulfilled life that can be looked back on proudly. The most memorable moments are the dirtiest ones and we want to be a part of that journey, and all the stories that come with it.

When in doubt, dirty it out.

Wade Hopwo

My name is Wade. I am one of the founders and co-owners of Dirt Squirrel Apparel. I have always had an appreciation for fashion in all its forms from sport to street to high. As an athlete who grew up playing competitive sports, most notably high level volleyball through university and beyond, my closet always consisted of items that could be used on and off the court or beach. It was always important for me to have apparel that complimented the body, made me feel like I could perform my best, didn’t restrict movement and looked sleek. There was always something intimidating and sexy to me about a team who showed up with the nicest uniforms and the athletes whose performance/athletic wear was carried with confidence. For me, well-made apparel that oscillated between athletic and casual attire made a person look put together, confident and sexy. It was a vibe I wanted to not just emulate, but create. Dirt Squirrel became an opportunity to “get dirty” and make that dream a reality.


Daniel Lypchuk

Hey, it's me, Daniel. I'm one of the owners here at Dirt Squirrel, an Aquarius and a botanist! While at home with my cat, Calvin Hairy (named after the DJ Calvin Harris - it's a pun, cause he's hairy, get it? lol) I find ways to overpopulate every room of my house with plants, sew, bake (like the good grandma I am), give my friends random daily updates on IG and watch re-runs of Friends or Grey's Anatomy. I live in a house that most definitely looks like it is inhabited by a coven of witches, which is further backed up by eclectic décor. I have a last supper portrait of pop divas hung on the wall above my dining room table, so I'm always ready and willing to get gay and political, which should give you a better idea of who I am as a human. I also have an irrational obsession with spin classes, but I've come to terms with that as it allows me a break from lifting up heavy things and putting them back down at the gym. Thanks for your support and checking out all that is Dirt Squirrel!


Say Hello!

Dirt Squirrel headquarters is located in Vancouver, Canada.
We love feedback from our Dirters! Shoot us an email or find us online, Squirrel Friend!

For order inquiries, please contact